Goku joins his side to spur him on once more while the God of Destruction Hero takes to the air, charging up a powerful Super Star Break attack from the edge of Earths atmosphere. The God of Destruction Hero, named Shandy, and Beerus charge in and kick Beat to the ground below where he drops back to his base form. On command, the new God of Destruction team fire a blast in unison at Beat. However a new challenger arrives, a trio of God of Destruction avatars joined by Beerus, Whis, Champa, Vados, Heles and Belmod. However Yamcha uses an ability of his own that restores the pair's stamina and they fire off a Kamehameha in retaliation that strikes Note and wins him the match by K.O. To make up for the shortcomings, Grand Minister uses his ability Unknown Entity to increase the strength of his team members and Gogeta lands a God Punisher that damages both Vegito and Beat. When Broly is back in motion he receives the blunt of the blows and is struck back into the distance. Xeno Trunks takes the opportunity to attack an unmoving target. Opposing him is Xeno Trunks who summons Chronoa to use her Freeze Attack technique to stop Broly in his tracks. From below, Broly flies into a rage and begins to power up. The two sides begin an all-out battle, Gogeta and Vegito battle while Bardock battles his counterpart Xeno Bardock. On the opposing side, Super Saiyan Blue Note is joined by Grand Minister, Xeno King Vegeta, Demigra, Xeno Bardock, Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta and Broly. Surrounded by rocky terrain, Super Saiyan Blue Beat is joined by his allies, Goku, Bardock, Super Saiyan Blue Vegito, Super Saiyan God Xeno Trunks, Yamcha and Jiren. Laying done their decks, they are then transported into the Dragon World.

Heading towards one of the arcade machines surrounded by a large group of spectators, he joins Note, who he plays against in the latest round. On a warm sunny day, Beat excitedly makes his way to the mall to take part in the 10th anniversary championship of the Super Dragon Ball Heroes game. Beat and Note ready to play Dragon Ball Heroes